Meetings & Workshops

Guild Meetings

We meet the first Monday of the month (unless that Monday is a holiday, then we meet on the first Tuesday of the month.) There are two meetings, one at 10:30 am with registration starting at 10:00 am and one at 6:30 pm with registration starting at 6:00 pm.  The meetings are mostly the same so you can choose the time that works best for you.

The meeting consists of a short business meeting, a quilt related presentation, and ends with Show and Tell.

We meet at Vernon College on Maplewood Ave in Wichita Falls.  Park in the main lot in front of the building and enter at the flagpoles.  Take the first right before the information desk and follow the signs to the room.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Location: Vernon College on Maplewood,  Room 605.  Enter through the northeast door, park in the front

Guild Workshops


Workshops are the third Saturday of the month (except for March when it is the fourth Saturday) and no workshop in November and December.  Many workshops are geared towards learning something new, occasionally it will be a free sewing day, and we try to have one outside leader a year with a new technique or pattern.  Workshops are held at Vernon College.  Some workshops will have a fee.

Bonus Workshops

In the hours between the two meetings there will occasionally be a mini workshop.  Topics vary and can consist of working on comfort quilts, QOVs, or learning a new technique. These workshops last about 3-4 hours and are held at Vernon College.  These workshops are free of charge.

To register for a workshop, contact

Location: Vernon College on Maplewood,  Room 606.  Enter through the northeast door, park in the front

Cost:  $15 members;  $20 non-members.  Sit-n-Sew, no cost to members

Upcoming Workshops for 2025:

February 15 - Quilts of Valor with Beth S. and Gloria S.
March 22 - Borders for your Round Robins with Phyllis R. Information and fabric needs coming soon.
April 26 - Blue Onion and Curves with Aunt Pam S. This workshop requires a Creative Grid Ovals All Ways Ruler that currently costs $53.99 and the Blue Onion Pattern by Saginaw Quilts for $9.00.  
May 17 - Boutique Items.  Cathy and her crew.  Card Making with Sheri M and Robin P.
June 21 - Quilt as you Go with Phyllis and Comfort Quilts.
July 19 - One Block Wonder/Stack and Wack with Gerri C.  This class will require 7 matching panels or a fabric length with 6 repeats of the printed pattern, approx. 3 yards.  More information to follow.
August 16 - Boutique Items!
September 20 - Sit N Sew - Bring your own projects or work on Comfort Quilts or Quilts of Valor.
October 18 - Christmas is coming! Seasonal items.
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